A Holiday Rollercoaster

Published on 26 December 2023 at 13:56

Embark on a festive journey as I eagerly anticipate the holiday season, meticulously planning gifts and adorning my home with decorations. However, what began as a joyous occasion took an unexpected turn on Christmas Day, as a mix of bad news and good news unfolded - from water in the basement to a broken water heater. Navigating disappointment and the reality of unexpected expenses, my holiday celebrations took a surprising twist, highlighting the resilience found in family and the ability to find joy amid life's challenges.

The holiday season, for many, is a magical time filled with warmth, laughter, and the joy of giving. I am one of those people, eagerly awaiting the first snowfall in Wisconsin as the signal to unleash the festive decorations and immerse myself in the holiday spirit. My journey into the season starts long before the calendar flips to December, with Christmas wishes stored in my mind and the meticulous planning of gifts beginning as early as September.

This year, for the first time, I reveled in the satisfaction of having all my presents wrapped and ready a few days before Christmas Eve. Little did I know that a twist of fate awaited me on the morning of Christmas Day, turning the joyous occasion into a rollercoaster of reality checks.

Picture this: my husband walks into the bedroom at 5:30 am, bearing a mix of bad news, good news, and really bad news. Bad news – water in the basement. Good news – not the septic system. Really bad news – the water heater had chosen this festive moment to break down overnight. Reality hit me like a cold shower, and I found myself grappling with disappointment and frustration.

It's not that I wasn't accustomed to unexpected expenses. We had recently shelled out a significant sum for new siding on our home after a garage fire, only to discover that the insurance wouldn't cover all the damages, leaving us with a hefty bill. The fine print had come back to haunt us, a reminder to always scrutinize the details, even if they're not readily provided.

As I navigated through the initial shock, the practical concerns surfaced. How do we host family celebrations without hot water? Kid number four inadvertently discovered that our shower wouldn't even work with just cold water. Enter the angelic solution – kid number one offered her home for showers and Christmas dinner, sparing us from the inconvenience.

Christmas itself turned out to be a delightful affair, filled with laughter, engaging Nintendo games, appetizers, presents, and a delicious pistachio cake. Conversations flowed, and the day felt therapeutic amid life's challenges.

Post-festivities, the reality of the broken water heater lingered. With stores closed and an inventory of water heaters seemingly scarce, the challenge intensified. Cue my husband, the unsung hero, skillfully navigating the puzzle of repairs, embarking on four store trips, enduring heavy lifting, and the occasional exclamation from the laundry room.

As the dust settles and our water situation nears normalcy, I reflect on the unexpected home repair saga. Perhaps, in 2024, a reduced home budget and a dash of wishful thinking will pave the way for more adventures and fun. The holidays, with all their highs and lows, have a way of reminding us to cherish the joy, navigate disappointments, and find gratitude in the midst of reality's twists and turns.

As the echoes of the holiday season gradually fade, and the warmth of festive memories lingers, I hope this tale of joy, disappointment, and reality checks resonates with those who have navigated their own unique holiday journeys. During unexpected challenges, may you find solace in the shared laughter, the strength discovered in family bonds, and the resilience that emerges when life takes an unexpected turn.

The holidays, with their highs and lows, are a universal reminder that joy can coexist with disappointment and that the true magic lies in our ability to navigate and cherish both. As we bid farewell to this season, let's carry forward the lessons learned, the laughter shared, and the hope that we can find gratitude and joy even in the face of reality's twists and turns.

May the coming year bring you adventures, laughter, and a touch of wishful thinking. Here's to navigating life's rollercoaster with a heart full of hope and the knowledge that, no matter the challenges, the holidays will always be a time to cherish the joy and resilience that define our journeys.


Happy post-Christmas comatose phase!

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